1 - Prototyping

1 - Prototyping

After the initial tooling system standardization project cycle, we kicked off another project to redefine and optimize usability of the Merge Review working UI. 

We created a comprehensive clickable prototype for use in both in-person and remote usability studies. In coordination with PM I took many trips to Omaha NE to administer testing. When the trip wasn’t possible, I participated through video observation with PM on the ground working through the testing. Surveys followed each round of usability tests to collect any additional impressions and close the loop.

2 - Optimize workflow

2 - Optimize workflow

Our Merge Review redesign provided a number of common usability improvements in effort to quickly and efficiently lead users through the workflow. These improvements included better visual hierarchy, muting superfluous details and highlighting notifications, including CTAs, affordances and user feedback.

3 - User Feedback provided

3 - User Feedback provided

User feedback was provided in green, highlighting choices made in the Merge Review. Additionally a list of changes was included and co-located within the hovering “action box” in the lower right corner to be reviewed prior to taking action on the Merge Review issue.